Month: May 2020

BS PD CEN/TS 16702-1:2020

Click here to purchase This document specifies transactions and data for Compliance Checking - Secure Monitoring. The Scopeof this document consists of:— the concept and involved processes for Secure Monitoring;— the definition of transactions and data;— the use of the OBE compliance checking transaction as specified in EN ISO 12813, for the purpose of Compliance Checking -...
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BS PD IEC TR 61000-4-40:2020

Click here to purchase This part of IEC 61000, which is a Technical Report, deals with the assessment of electrical power quantities (RMS voltage, RMS current and active power). It explains and compares two digital algorithms suitable for power quantity measurements in fluctuating or non-periodic loads. The examples are from 50 Hz or 60 Hz power systems.Cross References:IEC TR 61000-1-7:2016IEC...
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BS PD ISO/IEC TR 24772-2:2020

Click here to purchase This document specifies software programming language vulnerabilities to be avoided in the development of systems where assured behaviour is required for security, safety, mission-critical and business-critical software. In general, this document is applicable to the software developed, reviewed or maintained for any application.Vulnerabilities described in this document...
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ASTM Volume 10.03:2020

Click here to purchase Published annually in May. This volume contains 98 standards.These standards on electrical insulating liquids and gases include specifications for materials such as mineral oil and askarels, and tests for assessing the properties of insulating liquids and gases. Also included are specifications and tests on tools, equipment, and materials used to protect workers from...

BS PD ISO/IEC TR 29110-3-1:2020

Click here to purchase This document defines the process assessment guidelines needed to meet the purpose of defined VSE profiles. It is applicable to all VSE profiles and is compatible with ISO/IEC 33002.Cross References:ISO/IEC/TR 29110-1ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289ISO/IEC 29110-4-1ISO/IEC/TR 15504-7:2008ISO/IEC 33001:2015ISO/IEC 33020ISO/IEC 33004ISO/IEC 33002All current amendments available at time of...
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BS PD CLC/TR 50173-99-2:2020

Click here to purchase This document describes the following:a) the functional elements and structure of the cabling, external to homes, supporting communityantenna television (CATV) and master antenna television/satellite master antenna television(MATV/SMATV) networks in accordance with EN 60728-1;b) the location and accommodation of the home network interface (HNI) in accordance withEN...
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BS PD ISO/TS 17988:2020

Click here to purchase This document gives the details of test procedures for evaluating the corrosion resistance of dentalamalgam formed from products that are within the scopes of ISO 24234 and ISO 20749.Cross References:ISO 13897ISO 3696ISO 286-2ISO 6344-1ISO 7488 ISO 24234ISO 4287ISO 1942ISO 3585ISO 10271ISO 20749ISO/TS 20746All current amendments available at time of purchase are included...
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