Click here to purchase Five series of hydrometers for liquids with densities between 600 and 2000 kg/m^3 at 20°C and three sub-series for petroleum products for densities between 600 and 1100 kg/m^3 at 15°C. Materials, permitted errors, corrections for surface tension, temperature and meniscus, guide to purchasers, method of use, density of water from 0°C to 40°C, vessels for...
Click here to purchase Requirements for instruments intended for measuring analogue quantities of voltage and/or current. Such instruments will also measure non-electrical quantities provided the relationship between the indicated quantity and the measurand is known.Cross References:BS 89BS 2011:Part 2.1EaBS 2011:Part 2.1Fc BS 3939BS 4727BS 4743BS 5458BS 5685:Part 1BS 5775:Part 5BS 6217BS 6667...
Click here to purchase Cylindrical involute helicoid worms with a normal pressure angle of 20° in a range of axial modules from 0.052 in to 1 in. Design, formulae for calculating worm and wormwheel dimensions; four gear classes, with tolerances for pitch, profile and worm thread thickness, and five grades of backlash for assembly. Drawings show information to be given when ordering....
Click here to purchase Applies to tooth form, dimensions of gearing, tolerances for four classes of gears according to function and accuracy, calculation of load capacity and information to be given on drawings. Provides examples of load calculations.Cross References:BS 308BS 436:Part 2BS 721:Part 1BS 970:Part 1BS 970:Part 3BS 1400BS 1452BS 1498BS 2519:Part 1BS 2519:Part 2BS 4500:Part 1BS...
Click here to purchase Cross References:BS 5099BS 7655-1.3BS 7655-6.1BS EN 50267-2-1BS EN 50363-5BS EN 50395BS EN 50396BS EN 60228BS EN 60332-1-2:2004BS EN 60332-3-24:2009BS EN 60811-401BS EN 60811-501 BS EN 60811-502BS EN 61034-2BS EN 62230IEC 60050-461BS 6004BS 6360BS 6469-99.1BS 7540-1BS 7655-5.1BS 7671BS EN 50265-2-1BS EN 50266-2-4BS EN 50268-2BS EN 50356 BS EN 50525-3-41HD 21HD 22HD 308...
Click here to purchase Cross References:BS EN 12158-1BS EN 12158-2BS EN 12159 BS 7671BS 4465:1989BS EN 81-43BS EN 473:2000BS ISO 4309:2004Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994Work at Height Regulations...
Click here to purchase BS 7212:2016 gives recommendations for the installation, maintenance,examination and operation of construction hoists, including hoistway protection,and on the management of these activities. It provides recommendations for theselection, planning, siting, erection, alteration and dismantling of hoists. It alsosets out the responsibilities of the various parties involved in...